Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life is Sweet

Which is sweeter?

this Hershey kiss...

or this Hershey kiss?

I have to go with choice 2 !

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie....

unless they're on your Anatomy homework...

or your glasses....

or drooling on Mom's new skirt...

but LEAVE them like this! It's good for laughs :)
hey, imitation is the best form of flattery! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happiness is a Warm Puppy

Since this is the first post on the Hershey blog, I thought I should start at the beginning: the day we picked her up.
When I was little, I had a calendar on my bedroom door with dog pictures and quotes for each day; my favorite has always been the Charles Schultz quote I used as the title for this post. I thought it was just a cute saying...until I met Hershey. When I stepped in the puppy play yard at Mary's house as Mom and Grandma watched, I was met by the "mini mob" of Hershey and her siblings. I sat down and was immediately greeted by Hershey crawling in my lap; that warm puppy was all it took to melt my heart. Don't get me wrong, I loved Hattie, our previous cocker, but I hadn't experienced her puppy days. Holding that squirming puppy (she still rarely holds still for anything!), I finally understood what Shultz was talking about; it's hard to explain it any other way than the single word of "happiness". Thinking hard about it now, I realize that there is hardly a family photo where someone isn't holding Hershey. It makes me wonder if simply seeing her being held brings happiness, and maybe that's why we do it. Regardless, Hershey certainly is our own, tangible example of happiness.
Sending Hershey Kisses